Karl Anthony Music

On My Way

Shall I leave or shall I stay?....decisions, decisions.

On My Way

On My Way

A few years ago I moved near the beach in a beautiful spot located near a very loud train. I was wondering if that palpable sound of the train would be a huge problem. Lucky for me I actually enjoy it, maybe its because I enjoy traveling and it reminds me of being on another adventure or reminds me of the welcoming feeling of returning home.

We all have decision to make and inspired by the sound of that train I wrote a song titled, ON MY WAY. It may be as close as I will ever get to writing a Johnny Cash style song. Give it a listen, perhaps it will help you with a decision you have been pondering lately. Most of the time our gut knows exactly what we want, it is connected to our deeper intuition and is just waiting for the rest of us to listen. Go ahead, listen to the entire song for free. The lyrics are below if you wish to read them.

You can order ON MY WAY and rest of the Hold The Sky cd, at my store.

On My Way

(by Karl Anthony, on the Hold The Sky cd)
On my way, I'll be on my way
Time to go, I hear that whistle blow
When you hear that train, that whistle blow
Must be time to go, on my way

On my way, I'll be on my way
Got to fly, got good reason why
Cause I feel that pull, guess my gut just knows
That's when its time to go, on my way

When you hear that call, go find a circus show
Its a sign its time to go, on my way

On my way, I'll be on my way
Time to ride, time to say bye-bye
Don’t you cry, darling dry your eyes
On my way, I'll be on my way
When you hear that train, with load in tow
Look like its time to go, on my way

On my way….on my way….on my way

On my way........ I'll be on my way
On my way........ I'll be on my way
On my way........ I'll be on my way



HOPE (Here I Am)

LISTEN to the song....HOPE.

Hope (Here I Am)
by Karl Anthony
I have hope, in the brilliance of this moment
I have hope, in the wonder of my life
I am free, letting go of all that binds me
No more doubt, listen here, I have hope
I have hope, in a fire deep inside me
I have hope, in the passion in my heart
I can see, the allure of my illusions
No more doubt, listen here, I have hope

    I believe and I accept
    Take me to the edge of happiness
    And if my tears should fall
    Walk me to the chapel of hope
Here I Am

I wrote a song called HOPE. I'm hoping you take a brief moment to listen for free. Then share it for I believe this song can lift the heaviness from the day. That is a good enough reason to keep making music, the right song elevates life's ups and downs.

The download of the song HOPE and my entire Hold The Sky album is available at this link. It would mean a great deal to me if you included it in your music collection. Buying my music is an encouraging vote for me to keep creating. Of coarse as a songwriter I will always be pulled to write another song for it is like breathing to me, but it sure means the world to me when these songs boost your day and enrich your life even a little while we keep moving forward.

The (KA)SongBlog is designed to introduce a single song to listen for free. Your comments are always welcome.

The physical copy of the Hold The Sky cd is expected to arrive by Feb 14th. Now that's what I call a great Valentine. And to all who pre-ordered the Hold The Sky cd, you will be the first to receive yours in the mail. Thank you so much!

*And thank you to Creative Commons and Pixabay for the use of the photo in this blog.

You Are Closer Than You Think

Like in this game of horseshoes, you are closer than you think to where you wish to be. I took this photo while playing horseshoes with my friend Christian. We both stared intently from all the angles trying to determine which of us won the point. In other words, which horseshoe was closest to the pole. We finally decided it was a tie and both of us deserved the point.

I hear many people expressing feelings of overwhelm these days and have experienced those uncomfortable sensations myself lately. It doesn't feel good and can be confusing as random self imposed expectations flood your thoughts. We all have a creative mind and wish to be productive with our time and energy. I am reminded during my overwhelming moments what I often observe in India on our Mantra Tours. The people and children we visit even in the poor villages remember JOY. Being busy does not need to be a curse. Experiencing JOY is closer than we think for it lies within the life we are choosing and living each day.

My friend Beejal & I where recently discussing the level of sadness we see in the faces of people we know and in the general public. It is time to be at home where JOY lives. Moving gently towards doing the things you love is a great place to begin. When is it right to simple do what you enjoy and have always wanted to do? Perhaps that time is now. It is what we crave and desire. To be an authentic and joyful breathe of fresh air with everyone we encounter. 

This is what your community and the world needs most. A reminder that it is ok to be in your JOY. You deserve to be happy and that happiness is closer than you think.

Bring the JOY before you arrive.
— Karl Anthony

Video Blog - If I Had One Prayer

While on tour in the Northwest I stopped to do a private show for the Coffee Creek Maximum Security Woman's Penitentiary. The reason I was invited was the result of a music video I did years ago. To explain, I made this short video blog about what happened. I hope you enjoy.

Also, the original One Prayer video can still be viewed here or on YouTube at this link:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AVLenp9qhnc

Download the One Prayer song

Thank you for listening and watching.

Is India calling your heart to visit?

February is a great time to travel to India. The weather is so beautiful. I guess that is the original reason why I picked February to go for my first visit. The invitation came from my dear friends, Beejal & Yogi Parmar. I am the proud Godfather of their two wonderful daughters, Shivani and Khushi.

Five years ago on my first trip, my life was changed by an invitation to sing for a school in a slum area in New Delhi. The students and community were beyond appreciative and showed me that joy is not contained in what we have. They openly gave to me that day and now I share their love and pure joy with all who travel with me to India.

There are many different ways to see India and if you have ever said to yourself, I always wanted to go to India, then seeing it up close will open your heart beyond measure. Singing with me to the hundreds of kids we meet is a beautiful way to bring smiles and be of service to the sweet faces which will personally greet you. What we receive in return is a life changing moment in time and an brief encounter with our own humanity.